Sunday, September 11, 2011

On reflection 9/11

As the day draws to a close and I reflect on the events of 10 years ago, I note that all my ideas and concepts are based on what I have seen and heard and read through the media.

Like most who are of an age to understand, I recall where I was and what I was doing when I had heard about the attacks in the US.

My then partner and I had been helping a friend with a video camera and as she had left I had turned on the television to hear a news break that a plane had a hit one of the towers, and as the news footage zoomed in on the burning building, the 2nd plane came into view and I watched in disbelief as it hit the 2nd tower.

As the horror of these events unfolded, I found myself unable to comprehend the how and why of what had occurred. As the hours and days passed I read, and watched any information about that day trying to understand what had happened. My manager at that time, recently told me that it was the only time she struggled to help me regain focus on my work as I was so throughly absorbed in what had happened.

It did not include understanding the historical facts about what led to this drastic and horrific action, nor could I comprehend how religions, no matter whose god, would allow these actions to escalate. And in fact it probably even turned me further from religion rather than to it.

It took some time for me to let it go, though even a couple of years later a website dedicated to conspiracies gained my attention for a short time.

What I have done is moved on with my life, there was no direct connection for me to what had occurred, I suffered no loss of friend of or family. I was merely affected by my failure to understand, by my incomprehension.

So as each anniversary passes, and whilst the incomprehension still remains, it is no longer something that I try to understand. It was a horrific event, and my heart goes out to all who lost a loved one. But here, so far away in my own backyard, I just try to respect all around me, regardless of their peerage, religion, sexual identity. I am not always successful but I believe in the inherent goodness of all people and I hope that those beliefs will keep me in good stead for my future days.

Naive? Perhaps but willingness to be open to all is hopefully the better way to go. And I hope that I never have to face something so horrific at home here in Australia.


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