Thursday, July 15, 2010

She breaks things, I fix them!

I’ve met someone and I am so ecstatic.

It’s only been a couple of weeks and I feel like the puzzle is now complete.

We are so very different, in so many ways, but think so similarly.

She breaks things; I fix them – probably best sums up how it all meshes so well.

May it never change!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

So long, see ya honey...

Crush 2009 your days are numbered!!!
 There's 5 of them to be exact - 5 working days until I leave that place of employment and move on to a new and challenging role.

So "Crush" what will I do about you?  I'm gonna play the same game I have been playing and do nothing.

Why? Because I have met someone new! And its scary and intense and invigourating and challenging and exciting and very very awesome!!! And she wants me!

Just so you know!

I won't blog here often - as I have a workish related blog now - and it needs my attention.

Gracias por todo