Sunday, March 09, 2008

2008 - educating me!

I have started studying at RMIT University and I have completed my 1st week of classes and tutorials - okay so 2 of them LOL. One of the classes involves keeping a journal of what I am learning triggers in my own development. I hope I am on the right track and will plod along for this 1st week with the tasks and reading I am required to complete before I seek guidance. It seemed a good idea that if I am recording my readings, motivations and impressions that I should also paste that writing here too - for anyone to view - at least for now.

So the first task was to complete a series of questions from the Authentic Happiness website. I found out that my greatest strength was something I already knew and that is in the diary entry part below however I am also interested by the fact that a U.S. based university is researching positive psychology - theri website is here and is open to all to try out their tests.

Journal Entry A

So, having just completed the online happiness and strength surveys I discover something I already knew. My humour is my greatest strength. However I cannot see with deep understanding where those things I believe I value most appear. I want to be respected and valued. I guess that forms part of the many strengths available – Fairness at 4, Honest at 6 and Loyalty at 8.

I highlight these as I am considering moving employment as I feel that these things, respect and value, are not being directed at me and I want them. I also know without highlighting it that value includes remuneration. So I have made those first tentative steps to change employment and have had a 2nd interview where they ‘loved my energy and drive’. It was a phone interview, they haven’t met me yet! But I am happy I am taking those steps, unlike those around me who keep complaining and don’t act. By the same token I am not acting for the sake of perception. I want to change, I need to change as I am no longer challenged or motivated at my place of employment. Part of the reason I have undertaken this study.

As I type this, I have also decided that I will also paste this into my blog, which suffers from lack of commitment – something I noted was not a strength of mine.

It was an interesting class and lecture, which immediately had me pondering many things based upon the facts the Professor touted.

Firstly, about the professor himself, whom I have affectionately titled ‘the nutty professor’. He interests and amuses me at the same time, therefore keeping my interest. Weird as fish but he got me thinking about a lot of things.

Secondly, he stated that it was proven that listening to music whilst studying over-stimulates the mind and delays the input of data into the memory. Possibly true, however I sit here with headphones on, music not too loud, more to dull the ambient household noise of washing machine and other activities on a Sunday afternoon than to help me concentrate on this task.

Thirdly he mentioned that statistically it has been shown that in the area of Sales that group targets work better than individual ‘star’ sales performance and I was immediately reminded about a conversation I was having with a colleague the previous evening regarding their feelings of unfairness that they were required to aid the team and therefore unable to meet their individual sales target and their value i.e. wage was below par. We discussed how we both felt undervalued.

Finally the presentation aspects of the course. I have been training and presenting for a number of years now. I know that I am confident with the training side of things as I ‘know’ I know the topic and am eager to share my knowledge with others. I am a knowledge sharer; that is how I perceive myself. But a ‘persuasive’ presenter, I know I need to guidance in that and look forward to the knowledge ‘the nutty professor’ can provide me.