Saturday, July 05, 2008

Another weekend passes

So far this weekend, have achieved little with much to do. I rested last weekend so that is not my excuse and slept late today despite having gone to bed early for a Friday nite - went at 10pm, couldn't sleep, got up at 12.30, had a hot chocolate and played poker on FB until 2.00am when I lost my dough (free though it is!)

My intentions for this weekend were as follows:
• Build a bookshelf for Mum
• Pull down the rickety shelter in the backyard (it has a serious lean post windy days and may end up falling over next door’s fence, though I guess I could call the landlord on that one!)
• Retrain myself using access – need it for the new job, told them I could do it but it’s been a while since I trained it so I need to get my head around it again
• Remind myself how to use Lotus Notes – same deal as access!

So far, I’ve bought the wood for the shelves and that is all, I guess I’m feeling less than motivated as I sit here with the headphones on, listening to fave music (Zero 7 at the mo) and avoiding the world I guess.

I feel like I’m in limbo again and I don’t like it much. So much I want to do and so little time.

Ah well 3 weeks til next semester’s study starts and I run out of time again!