Thursday, July 15, 2010

She breaks things, I fix them!

I’ve met someone and I am so ecstatic.

It’s only been a couple of weeks and I feel like the puzzle is now complete.

We are so very different, in so many ways, but think so similarly.

She breaks things; I fix them – probably best sums up how it all meshes so well.

May it never change!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

So long, see ya honey...

Crush 2009 your days are numbered!!!
 There's 5 of them to be exact - 5 working days until I leave that place of employment and move on to a new and challenging role.

So "Crush" what will I do about you?  I'm gonna play the same game I have been playing and do nothing.

Why? Because I have met someone new! And its scary and intense and invigourating and challenging and exciting and very very awesome!!! And she wants me!

Just so you know!

I won't blog here often - as I have a workish related blog now - and it needs my attention.

Gracias por todo

Saturday, January 30, 2010

30 January - nothing special about today...

but maybe there is!

I did my first lot of organised exercise today, granted in my home and via DVDs, but it's been a while that's for sure and I did it - 30 minutes of pilates and then a 20 minute fat burn workout as dictated by Jillian Michaels (I'm hoping the fact I think she's hot will encourage me to continue!). I sweated, I huffed a lot , I felt it and my heart rate increased so I guess it did me some good! However the back is feeling a little 'tender' I guess is the right word. It's letting me know its there and I should be careful so maybe only the pilates tomorrow! But hey I did it and that's a step in the right direction.

It's not that I don't consider golf exercise, cos I know it is. Walking 5 km has to be some sort of workout but I haven't played since my first attempt at a game on 14 Jan and though I have had a couple lessons, 15 mins practice per day is also not a fat burning workout.

So.... thoughts for this week.

ipad! not even sure whether it should have a capital i or p but... what a crock! If I was an apple fan(atic) then I would be disappointed - Whilst I have an ipod and an iphone, I'm a PC girl all the way (I think it's a gamer thing!) but ooo a larger ipod touch that, as far as Australia is concerned, is missing half the things oh but it will get 3g eventually, oh and maybe books - big deal! My opinion (which is just that, my opinion) is that the big planned announcement, the hint at what's coming etc etc was a waste of time - a bigger ipod touch - whoopee doo!

Finally, Dollhouse.  and I'm gonna link ya to the Whedonesque site rather than Fox's dollhouse site cos Whedonesque is all things Joss and more....

I have thoroughly loved Season 2, loved Joss's twists and turns and being able to say "I so did not see that coming!" and I will be getting a copy as soon as I can of the epilogue which aired in the US in the last couple of hours - don't worry Joss & Co, I will buy the Season 2 DVD as soon as its released, just like I did with Season 1. I'll be damned if I'm waiting several months and getting cable tv just to watch it! I only recently turned the cable off as I really only watch stuff on my PC and wow there's a tangent for another time!

Anyway have loved loved loved Dollhouse - Eliza did an awesome job (especially Season 2) and Enver is a great find - don't lose him! My colleagues have also thoroughly enjoyed the show!

And that's me I guess...

Listening to:  itunes is on shuffle so currently Potbelleez' "Don't hold back"
Reading - off to Dooce's blog for a Dooce fix
Watching - Dollhouse S2E13 - Epitaph Two? - as soon as I get it!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Well it was a good start....

The year 2010 began and here I was thinking it was going to be a better year...

The first weekend of 2010 I spent having a pedicure, the movies with Ruby and then a fabulous day at a friends home in Eltham - work was going okay, the second weekend included a room cleanup at Mum's (the first of many!) and all was going okay!

I had decided that I needed to drop a few kilos (and yes I know I need to drop more than a few but babysteps and all) as I had gained about 5 kilos post gall bladder and hadn't shaken them yet so I have decided to do liteneasy for a few weeks. I figure that this will control my diet a little, especially as I tend to not eat breakfast, snack all day, eat a huge lunch then late at night, work out I am hungry and eat toast - not a fabulous diet by any stretch. And hopefully I will manage to improve my metabolism. 1st week and I have lost 1.2 kilos so it's a good start.

I hadn't built exercise into this plan yet, figuring that golf once a fortnight and occassionally walking the dogs will help with that.

And so to today...

1st Golf network game for the year, a beautiful day of about 24 degrees, well maintained course (Keysborough), a couple of lessons under my belt so a chance to improve the game and it was going okay until the 5th hole...

The back pings. There's pain but still movement so it's not seizing up, I decided to walk out the rest of the hole and see how I go. But no pain still there so I called it and headed home. I have been to the chiro who says its not muscular so just a pinching and I know that my lack of exercise and strengthening is to blame and its time to do something about it. Pilates for a start I guess.

I was so looking forward to playing too. I do love my golf no matter how bad I play and I enjoy the company of the network. Hopefully it will ease enough to play on Saturday... but we'll see. I will not risk my back! Back pain is so debilitating - when it goes it hurts to wipe my butt! And I have been bedridden with it - especially when I first herniated my disc about17 odd years ago so its something I always have to be wary of and manage.

Ah well hopefully my groovy new DKNY spectacles will give me a better view on life - pun intended!