Sunday, August 19, 2007

It's a small world afterall...

OK remembering I can blog from my email makes keeping this blog stuff
more frequent much easier. I may also use this to vent about work...
Remembering of course that my fave blogger Heather (Dooce) appeared to
have lost her job by venting about work, I shall of course be very
careful about what i say! And yes I know some grammatical errors were
displayed in the making of this paragraph!

So, as far as this entry's title re the small world, it sorta has some
background. I'm adopted, I've known since I can remember that I was
adopted, and I have had the great fortune of being adopted by the most
loving, caring, amazing parents in the world. And having fantastic,
loving siblings. I was adopted between two natural children! As an aside
I know quite a few adoptees and most (not all) don't appear to be as
lucky as I am. Maybe that's in part from a deep seeded sense of loss but
that's another discussion.

Anyway in my 20s, when searching for my self, as well do, I decided to
start the search for my natural mother (after a long discussion with my
adoptive mother from now on referred to as Mum as that is who she is).
In that search I discovered a half sister and we eventually met. 1/2
sis, who I shall refer to as H, and I met once, spoke a few times and
then lost contact. I tried to call her and wrote a letter but she must
have moved and I figured when she was ready she could find me. She may
have done but due to my Dad's illness may have got a bum steer.

So over the last few years I've been using all the technological
resources I have available to me to find her i.e. I've been trawling
social networking sites and address books on the Net to no avail. I
found a link to her via an on-line store and sent an email to them
asking them to forward on my details but don't know if that ever

H has kids, and I finally realized that perhaps I should be looking for
them as I can remember their quite distinctive names and finally I think
I found them on one of the more popular sites and have sent a contact
request through, so now I wait.

But still I'm impressed with how technology makes things like this that
little easier, cos in other times, lost contact often meant lost for

Listening to: Ministry of Sound Classics 2006
Watched: Oz Idol and Kath & Kim
Reading: currently catching up on Fuffy fanfic and by the bed is the 7
effective habits LOL

seeya, Lyn

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Another Saturday Night...

Bat's at work, I'm on the Net, Bonnie's chewing something somewhere...

I overheard a guy at work telling someone about this blog called
"Overheard in Melbourne" - a site where you can
record snippets of convos you have heard whilst travelling around this
fair city. It's not Shakespeare but some are quite amusing.

Still I prefer Dooce, she's a habit I can't break :)


Musica Eclectica

It's been an interesting year for me music wise. I have varied tastes and can listen to just about anything with the exception being Billy Joel, i just can't do that!

Anyway so have been to a bit more live music this year, particularly as finances are a little better and apart from the year's subscription to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and just having seen it's most recent Shostakovich concert, this year I have also seen Pink, The Cure and, in October, we are seeing the Indigo Girls.

My current track listings include Amy Winehouse, UNKLE, Juno Reactor and Shirley Bassey so I sure do mix it up.

I guess the only thing missing is the new Prince album, which I have heard tell is excellent.

Bat is looking at another job which may entail working from home so we are looking at changing the layout of the IT room (God I love having an IT room LOL). We are looking at getting a new desk via ebay, she wants a corner shaped desk which I guess will take up a bit of space.

I'm still looking to buy a new PC but I am pretty happy with the ubuntu operated laptop as the moment. I'm sure not missing out on doing anything I used to.

Bonnie is 10 months old, getting bigger, tries to chase after cars when I walk her and is firmly entrenched in our lives.

Finally my back is coming good. It first went in the first week of June and here it is in August and it still twinges on me. I probably should have taken more time off work and let it recover properly. Still might! :-)

Until next time