Friday, July 15, 2005

fooling around...

it's midnight.. or just past and I've been fooling around with this blogger thingy, enjoying it too... but just wanted to see if the email part of this works.

Bat's working beside me and is creating a page for her photos of Melbourne to share with her family. When she's ready I shall put a link up here too.

Hope this email thingy aint a failure cos otherwise I've been typing for nothing.

Sweet dreams all...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Keeping a diary... thought I'd bore you too!

9:17:17 PM
We slept late today... didn't get out of bed til midday despite me trying to wake Bat several times to take her tablet. Sophie had woken me about 8.00 am for feeding and I did but went back to bed and slept. I'm not surprised after the last few early mornings and stress. Of course it helped (or didn't..) that we had a little fun before sleeping last night!

Twas a wet and dreary day, dark and rainy... we spent most of the day at the computer and I gave Bat a short session on creating web pages. We were listening to joy online and heard about a competition to win L-Word dvd box sets. We entered via email and we won.. woohoo! should receive via mail.

Had a call from Hudson re yesterdays interview just keeping me informed that Sharon was interstate and that she would be in contact tomorrow.

Rang the ex about 6.00 pm and organised to be there at 7.00 pm to pick up some stuff.
Idgie was cute and affectionate but the other dang dog got all snarly again and seconds after being all cuddly with Bat, Molly snapped and bit Bat's arm above the elbow. No puncture wound but is going to leave a bruise. I'm supposed to be feeding them on Sunday... Molly may get a punch on the nose!

Grabbed some potato cakes from fish and chip shop on the way home, after picking up a few things at the supermarket. We forgot to put bin up and Sophie got into it and left a bit of a mess. And now here we are at computer.. again!